You asked for it!..We are bringing it to you LIVE!

Questions arise in how to manage in your work, family, dating, and spousal relationships. You don’t need to be held captive by your past. You don’t have to carry the weight of that baggage into the future! We are here for you. REGISTER now and tell us how we can help…


You asked for it!..We are bringing it to you LIVE!

Questions arise in how to manage in your work, family, dating, and spousal relationships. You don’t need to be held captive by your past. You don’t have to carry the weight of that baggage into the future! We are here for you. REGISTER now and tell us how we can help…


Do you believe in miracles?

Some things just happen. There is no explanation…no logical reasoning. My journey networking with people in Nigeria has been quite miraculous. I know that it is hard to have faith when the deck is stacked against you. To feel that nothing can or will change. To assume that no one really and truly cares about you or your life…much less, […]


The Communication

It’s a universal issue. A complication that can make or break even the very best of relationships. The smallest amount of disregard can cause an avalanche of assumption. Intentions become irrelevant in the aftermath. I’ve always been a voice of reason to friends around me. A confidant that cares. My gift of empathy gives me depth that my experience cannot […]


The Communication

It’s a universal issue. A complication that can make or break even the very best of relationships. The smallest amount of disregard can cause an avalanche of assumption. Intentions become irrelevant in the aftermath. I’ve always been a voice of reason to friends around me. A confidant that cares. My gift of empathy gives me depth that my experience cannot […]


The Communication

It’s a universal issue. A complication that can make or break even the very best of relationships. The smallest amount of disregard can cause an avalanche of assumption. Intentions become irrelevant in the aftermath. I’ve always been a voice of reason to friends around me. A confidant that cares. My gift of empathy gives me depth that my experience cannot […]
