Marissa Stabe

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited that you made it! There are a few things I will start by saying. 1. I am not a professional writer. I tend to express myself in writing as I do in my conversations. It is always from my heart and read as I would say it. 2. I have a lot of tips and info to share from my past experiences even if I have no degree. I am YOU! I began the same way and I am still learning. I take pride in what I can give to others but I still find joy in gaining knowledge from everyone I meet! Every person has a voice and a perspective that helps us grow in life and business. That wisdom is a valuable asset! 3. I am writing from the great state of Texas. They all say everything is bigger here and what is bigger than a leap of faith?

I have spent many years discovering myself. My journey will be revealed as I go on this expedition to greatness with you. To know me is to know my struggles and my strengths. I have my down moments and I feel way too much. I have drive and determination that I hope to spread to others. I have spent years trying to find any solution for supporting myself independently. It’s important to understand that every failure just makes us smarter and stronger! I am a pastor’s daughter that was raised in church learning about compassion, love and prayer. God has a plan for all of us and a reason for everything and everyone that crosses our paths. I was called to begin a chapter of my journey that led me right here to all of you. The mission is simple: help those who are struggling to find support and to promote them and their talents. I’ve done the work and school, one job, two jobs, three jobs, 9-5, late night, pyramid schemes, and everything else under the sun to just barely live paycheck to paycheck. I have spent years full of ideas and desperate to put my talents to use only to find I was talented in many but a master of none. I am an entrepreneur, artist, and a musician. I have a big heart and a passion for marketing, music, art, books and theatre. The hustle is real in all of these breakout careers and they all begin with YOU. So let’s begin…

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