At last you have found your heart. You have found a future and a purpose. I know how amazing that feels. The excitement is bubbling up and you feel the need to take action! Ride that wave! Let it fuel you. Push yourself to let your creative juices flow. The best time to pick a name for your business is while you are on that high. It’s intense and intimate.

This will be the reflection of you and should be something that speaks to you. Direct enough to attract a target audience but mysterious enough to draw people in. Who do you want to reach? Do you want to grow? This is an important thought to process. If your business is expected to branch out into other market areas, you don’t want to choose something with limits. The biggest mistake is developing a brand that cannot accommodate growth. We are shooting for the stars! It’s just good business to believe you will achieve. Be prepared for expanding your vision. When that day comes, you want to be able to do so easily with an already established following.

Look into the future. What name feels natural when speaking it. Word of mouth will be the biggest impact on your business. It should be easily recognizable and unique.

There are also practical reasons for this as well. Always check all the socials and the domain availability. If you choose something too similar to another company, you may lose your traffic. There are some that will even piggyback off another site’s visitors just by choosing a name that is relatively similar to yours. It wouldn’t hurt to grab .net, .org, .me etc in addition to the .com to avoid that. My rule of thumb is to never choose a name that you cannot get the .com Web address. It is the most common and therefore most searched.

Quickly create the social accounts with your new name so that it is easily searchable across all media! You don’t want to be stuck having to tack on “_official “ or a seven digit number to your insta handle.

Imagine that name on a business card, a billboard, a tshirt…the works. You are creating an image to be seen by the world! What do you see? Got it? Good, grab it and let’s paint the picture…

What’s in a name? Everything!


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