Ok..so I bet this heading surprised you a bit. If you are reading, it did exactly what it was supposed to do. Let’s start with the most important step of beginning any new adventure. Where is your mind at? Having the right mindset is critical if you want to be successful. This step cannot be skipped and takes the most patience and attention. Do you know who you are? Do you know what you have to offer? These are questions that I think everyone has asked themselves at some point.

Starting a business is a whirlwind of emotions and it can be tedious. It doesn’t have instant results. We humans tend to live in the moment as long as we can see the finish line ahead. However, we also lack the patience and perseverance to maintain that when the end result doesn’t come quickly. They say “nothing worth having comes easily “ and that has proven itself time and time again. There’s a reason why self discovery plays a huge part in any big leap. You cannot give or help others if you are not stable in how you view yourself. As in any business or life decision, you have to know what you want and want it enough to wait for it if needed.

I will give you a personal example. I spent my life in a body that was not my own. I have PCOS and, while it isn’t a disease, its side effects made it hard for me to be the person I am inside. I faced challenges like struggle to conceive children, slow metabolism, hormone swings, and weight gain that happens even when I put the exercise in regularly. That causes you to look in the mirror and see nothing but pain and defeat. I made a huge decision to have surgery that would help me get some of those things under control. In order to have this, most surgeons require you to see a psychiatrist to make sure you are prepared to do the work and maintain it before they will even allow it. You have to know the risks as well as all the work involved and commit to it regardless of what you may have to sacrifice. When God blessed me with a child, it changed my mindset. I had to find myself so that I could be the best me for my son and for a future husband. I had to prepare for what I could offer them in life and be confident enough to build a future knowing that I am the best I can be. That part of my journey has been ongoing and hard but so much greatness came from it. I lost over 110 pounds, was full of energy, my fertility changed, I was way more confident, and suddenly things began to come easily. The struggles became more under control. Even though that fight is with me daily, I always have to push on even when the results are slow or present me with more work to do.

So how does this example apply? You cannot convince someone to believe in something you do not believe in. The more you are aware of yourself and your worth the easier that becomes. You will be tested over and over and it will require strength and confidence in yourself to push on. You would not be able to convince others to buy shoes that you haven’t walked in before. You have no knowledge of if they will be comfortable or lasting. You can’t describe how they feel when you walk in them. This is what gives good sales people an edge. They are so convinced you will love what you are buying that they stake their reputation and rapport with you on it. After all, they want you to return and bring a friend! This applies for goods, services, and even influencers that are using themselves to draw people in. This is why your personal journey is key.

Ask yourself questions, see how you answer them. What makes you happy? What is worth fighting for? Are you willing to risk your comfort zone to reach the greatness in store? Are you fearful of letting go of what you know to grab hold of the possibility that is ahead of you? Do you respect and love who you are enough to share yourself with others? Anyone who has been on this personal journey will tell you. It has no finish line, only a moment of truth. Something inside changes and you just know that what you are is amazing and can only get better from here. No matter what is ahead, no matter the challenge faced, no matter who you open yourself up to that you are giving your 100%. That mentality will change your life and will shine through to others. People will gravitate to that brightness and want what you have.

This is when you are ready to take on the world.


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