Where do you find inspiration? Is it in the world around you? In nature? In books or TV? Is it in the every day grind? The moment of reflection you find when the days seem to play on repeat? Do you find it in social media or the words that flow in conversations? Do you find it in your loved ones..or a stranger?

Inspiration can creep in slowly or strike you like lightening.

Personally, I find inspiration in little moments and in even in words. Usually, it happens when I am having a discussion with someone. The overwhelming need to help sparks a world of ideas and thoughts. It may be what I need to say in the moment or it could be what I needed for someone else I have been helping or coaching. It could even be the very subject of my next blog…

Inspiration…the people you draw this from..they don’t even know what they have done or how they have helped. They should. Knowing that you have inspired someone gives you confidence and shows just how much of a difference you make to others. If more people knew this, imagine what they could do with it and how many more could grow from their influence.

Inspiration is what I found in Nigeria..it is what gave me my true calling…and where I found what I am truly made of. It is what drives me daily. It is what brings me joy in every minute.

While I find inspiration in most of my heart-to-heart conversations, it is the ones that I have opened up with and who have become part of my circle that have really brought me out of my shell. It bubbles up without even trying.

Remember, you are never so blocked that you cannot be inspired. Maybe you aren’t asking the right questions or maybe you haven’t met the right person. It is when you find the ones that challenge the narrative, who ask the questions and really want YOUR answers, who share your ups and downs and always support you, that you find your greatest inspiration.

I have been overwhelmed by so many wonderful people who have labeled me as their inspiration. It is humbling and I am blessed by every single word. I want to take a second to thank these strangers, friends, and family. I am forever grateful for you.

Whether ink on a page, a prayer in the dark, or the words from my heart, they are all given in hopes that they will inspire you as much as you have inspired me.


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