There are no words to describe the events of this year. There are some things that happen that are impossible to explain. As humans, we are creatures of habit. We have established patterns and comfort zones. We see things from a lens of experience….an understanding only of what we have viewed…lessons we have learned…pain we have suffered…or love we have received.

I walked into January feeling lost. I knew I was meant for greatness but I had no idea what that would entail. I had no divine direction as to where I needed to go or who I was meant to have in my life. My days were long but the years had passed quickly. I felt like I had missed the door I was supposed to walk through…perhaps I had been distracted by the ones I had chosen along the way. It was at that moment, that something changed. One small disruption to my otherwise normal pattern. One tiny shift outside of my usual habits. One very shaky step outside my comfort zone. One very questionable decision that would lead to the greatest adventure of my life.

At that moment, I was hungry. A hunger for answers that I knew I was not finding on my own. No matter how hard I had prayed, pieces of me were not willing to let go of the life I had. The choices, the sacrifices, the pain, the patience…they dug their claws into me. Fear settled in that it was all for nothing. It was then…that the fog lifted…that the dam broke and understanding flooded my mind. I was going to have to step away from my baggage. I needed to abandon my course..and completely surrender everything for God to take over. He didn’t want to give me a detour…He wanted to change my entire destination…..

When I came to this realization, I made my first leap of faith of the year…I surrendered….I prayed for strength…and then suddenly, a door appeared. I did not hesitate…I ran…through the door and into the unknown.

Since then, every challenge, every step has been driven by Him. I have faced every day in prayer and the answers have been everywhere…..the miracles have been in abundance, and the signs have been clear and without question. There is no doubt that every movement has been planned and that’s what guided me to where I am today. I prayed to God, I am here. I am willing. It doesn’t matter if I lose a job..I’ll build an empire, doesn’t matter if I have no money..I’ll multiply what I have. All I have to do is be ready to act. So far, I have jumped every time and I am amazed at all that has come from it. I see the blessings that God is giving me and to all that surround me. I smile, I dance, I jump and I act quickly. I take the bad circumstances that are causing me stress as a sign that they are something that isn’t needed where I’m going. There’s better. There’s more.

What I’ve learned…

so many people pray for answers…for change….yet they want the effects to better what they have already chosen for themselves. They pray for God to take over, but cannot let go of what they have. God has a plan…and it will be greater than you can even imagine.

Your focus cannot be on what’s possible in Gods plan if you are solely focused on a vision you have fabricated for yourself. That is not complete surrender. That is acceptance of God’s will as long as it meets you on your path. God doesn’t work that way. Surrendering doesn’t mean that things you envision won’t come to pass…it may just happen in a different way! God will bring things and people into your life that are completely outside of your narrow vision to guide you…to walk with you…but your decisions, convictions, opinions are your own. You will be the one to suffer consequence or find joy. He knows the desires of our hearts better than we do. Before we do. Because God is love. He knows what will bring you complete happiness.

God expects us to follow His path in faith and action. He will give you opportunities that will present you with a door to unimaginable riches and wonder…however, He still expects you to open the door and walk through. The baggage you carry won’t fit through the door. You don’t need it because everything you hope for is already prepared for you on the other side. You still make the decision to open and walk through it alone. That’s faith. What’s waiting for you is more than you could ever manifest yourself.

I will leave you with this….what began for me as a tiny step…became a movement…the movement became a dream…that dream grew to passion…the passion into love.

I prayed for purpose..for calling…for answers..for the right place…the right people. The moment the world went quiet and I was ready…everything increased. I found joy. The world spun on it axis and has been spinning ever since. The story is not over…there is much more in store. God has promised that this…no matter how great…is only the beginning.

We move…we persevere…we trust…we build. When we surrender…the rewards are infinite.


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