You are never really prepared for the unexpected. It comes like a storm on a sunny day. It blindsides you and makes you vulnerable. You can create a can research each can replay every angle in your mind..yet it finds you. I’ve learned a lot lately about the it can challenge your mental state, question your worth, and test your faith.

A very special person taught me something that will forever be burned in my memory. He taught me that it is not about what is happening to you, but how you react to it. In all that he has shared with me, this has been the most profound. It applies in every single situation I have faced. There is little we have control of in life..we base decisions on what we know and what we feel in the moment. We have no idea how it will affect our future. One decision can change your whole life.

I’ve always been aware of my reactions but never so much as now. It makes you look closer and examine the outcomes before making quick judgments and choices. I am an incredibly emotional person. I LIVE in my emotions..I’m ruled by my heart. This is a special gift but can be as glorious as it can be destructive. You naturally put yourself in the line of fire every time and become a target. No matter where you move, it’s bullseye every time. I learned that you can choose to take the hit and bleed or you can get up and face the arrows head on. Find the joy that came with the experience of it and learn.

The unexpected is not always painful. Sometimes it’s beautiful..perfect. Those are the ones that give you true happiness. Those are the ones that give you strength through the battles. Those are the ones you pray for. They are miracles that you never let go of. They change who you are and who you become.

When faced with the unexpected, remember always, that your reaction could drown you..or it could save your life.


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