Funny Yesterday, I was asked what I thought life was. I love deep questions like this because the answers can be varied and yet still be correct. Life is what you make it..right? So beautiful , that the question was not worded in the usual probing manner. It was not the ever popular..What is the meaning of life?..that has so many searching. No. Never. That would be too mundane. ☺️ Anyone searching for meaning to unanswered questions would be utterly bored with that by now. What IS life? Now THAT had me reeling. He has a way of leaving me speechless when I usually have so much to say! I have to take a beat and let it reach my depths. He challenges me to unlock a part of me that lies dormant sometimes.

Connection..true is so rare. I am so grateful for having it. I don’t find the need to be “right”, because perspective is drawn from experience. Everyone has had an array of experiences that alter their views.. BUT, the beauty is when you can see the pathways and how the person got there even if you haven’t traveled the same roads. You can understand where they are coming from..their direction, and destination. Not many have the desire or ability. It is truly special and leaves me in awe.

So what is life? I was speaking from the heart when I said..I have always believed life is time. We are put on this earth with nothing but time. Choosing how to use it. It may be spent, wasted, appreciated, lost, or gained. Choices can alter time. Decisions can halt it or speed it up. So I went deeper.

What does this all stem from?

MOMENTS. There is a reason that people in their last days do not cling to their bank accounts or designer clothes. Their memories are priceless. They are the photo album of all the moments that made up the life they lived. We try to capture every one..every snapshot a memory we burn in our mind to never forget how they made us they changed the course..the people we shared them with, how they taught us to appreciate each one.

Moments can be as grand as your first kiss, your wedding day, your vacations with family, or holding your newborn child. They are the highlights..a climax not easily forgotten. However, the little moments are what fill the pages of your story. A hand held, a whispered I love you, a shared laugh, dinner for two, a warm embrace, slow dancing in the living room..The simplest of memories that we take for granted are the ones we miss the most.

I could continue down the rabbit hole into a much larger wonderland, but I will refrain from elaborating. The magnitude of how far it reaches cannot be summarized, and shouldn’t be. I tend to get lost in all that I see and think and I visit each layer..expanding further and further out to see the bigger picture. There is always something bigger in is never obvious to those unwilling to unlock their mind to higher understanding. While my thoughts tend to find several angles to this complex query, I am here to speak simply and to relate to as many as possible. So I will give you this simple perspective to dwell on… traveling in time…each step a memory can forget to live it or you can revel in it’s beauty. Choose joy and be aware of what makes each one special. Share them with someone you connect with..who will see them for how priceless they are..who will have a deeper awareness of their relevance and appreciation for every second spent..

Life is a journey, choose well with whom you travel and enjoy every moment.


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