What is true transformation? Essentially, transformation is the shedding of the old and the taking on of a new form. The dictionary defines it as “a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.”

For those of you who know me, you will understand how close to my heart this subject lies. In the struggles and hardships that managed to plague my mind and my life, I always found myself breaking through the barriers to find change..To elevate myself beyond the weights that try to hold me down. I chose the handle of BluePhoenix a long time ago but I have never explained why. The phoenix is referenced as a symbol across multiple myths and beliefs. However, I was drawn to the symbolism of it’s representation of an eternal flame. It is said that only one phoenix exists at a time. It burns brightly, bursts into flames and dies. Then from the ashes, the phoenix rises, renewed, to begin a new life. I feel that I have had many times where I have burst into flames and shed who I was and found myself changed. Blue was chosen, not because it happens to be my favorite hue, but that it represents the hottest of flames. Flames that have reached the point of combustion. I am a phoenix that has risen from the ashes of a life that sought to destroy all the good inside of me.

The moments when I have experienced transformation and renewal have always followed leaps of faith. What better time to approach this subject than the celebration of Easter? The greatest transformation of all time still remains in the Bible. The resurrection is a miraculous story and reminds us of just how great God is. Because of love and sacrifice, we are given the opportunities to start anew.

This recent chapter of my journey began with the most intense fire I have ever experienced. I’ve found myself ascending higher than before and having an increased renewal in faith, hope, joy, love and passion to help others.

I have found faith in a path I would never have taken. I found hope in those who have been given very little. I found joy in a place I would have never visited. I found love where I never expected. I found passion in every interaction. I’m in awe of the miracle of how all of these blended together to give me more than I ever dreamed of and restored what I thought I had lost in the ashes.

This leap of faith is more than a business venture. It’s more than a passing interest. It’s the love and smiles from the strangers that became family. It’s the friendship received from unexpected connections that became mentors. It’s the heartfelt words from the people that I have reached out to in their moments of pain. It’s the increasing inspiration to continue to give and love them with all my heart. It’s a gift I could never afford that was given freely.

I am grateful that I was chosen. I am thankful for how it has healed the deepest of scars. I am blessed to be welcomed into so many hearts. The ashes have been washed away and I am transformed.


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