I’ve learned some valuable lessons about connections over the course of my life. I’ve always been in this space, watching and observing the people around me. I’ve always known I was different. I may have struggled with whether that was because I was special or if it was because I wasn’t enough. There is a fine line that you walk emotionally when you find yourself asking that question.

Connection is a basic need that weaves around everything we experience in our lives. It is vital in business, relationships, friendships and even with perfect strangers. The interaction you have with others plays out in ways you may never expect and it is highly likely you will never know the outcome. If you walk in this world only seeing what is in front of you, you will never understand the magnitude of how extrordinary human connection is.

If you have ever watched someone set up dominoes for a chain reaction, you see them placing every piece meticulously. You observe them checking the placement and how close they touch. You see the care that they are handled with. You appreciate the dedication and time spent on each one. When they are through, you watch as one single domino is touched. Your eyes follow as they collide into the next as it spins and turns and every one falls. You may even applaud the designer’s accomplishment because of the great skill they have shown. However, you walk away thinking it is over. That’s where perspective becomes enlightenment.

As the viewer, you met the designer at eye level. Thinking you would connect to what they see and what they have to give. What you missed, is what is seen when viewing from above. That carefully planned course in action revealed a detailed portrait of love. A painting comprised only of dots and dashes that only an artist could create.

Not only did the designer achieve a successful chain reaction, but revealed his soul in its completion. The connection was only at the surface until you saw the masterpiece it created.

Everyday we make these connections. You get a cup of coffee not knowing that the extra tip you gave bought someone lunch. You make someone laugh at work that was battling despression. These everyday exchanges make a difference that can only be seen when the whole picture is revealed. It is amazing how your view is altered when you attempt to see what each interaction can create.

Finding the right connections, networking, reaching out and drawing followers is the most challenging part of starting your new adventure. As a business, it can easily become a mission of recognition. You may find hundreds but reach none. I suppose, this all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

In my case, I want to reach hundreds even if I have to touch the lives one at a time. There is a bigger picture that I want to reveal and each person is a carefully placed brushstroke in my masterpiece.

I have spent alot of time reading blogs and seeking out connections. Wanting to reach someone. To make a difference in their life and cause a reaction that leaves a lasting impression of my soul. I network with those that have touched my heart and hold them close. Their actions have given me something that was effortless in its power. Those connections are priceless and destined to be the change that this world needs.

I am currently living this miracle. I am watching as my life has been spun on its side. I have observed the effect my heart is having on those I am connecting with. I am viewing the beautiful picture unfolding every day. I am in awe at how each piece has been placed so intentionally and how the words I speak bring joy. I am reveling in the way our hearts and souls connect. It all started with one. One perfectly prepared piece that fit me perfectly..and when the time comes and we collide..

The reveal will render us all speechless.


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