I received so much love for “The Call” that I felt moved to share more of this incredibly personal mission. If you’ve read my previous posts, then you know I don’t write anything without intention. What have you learned about me? Maybe, that I love hard? That I have a heart for justice? That I feel the need to protect those that I care for? That I found everything I never knew I needed in a far away land?

These things are all true, they are all me…they are all connected. God is the greatest architect and He designed quite a blueprint for me. I had no idea how all I have been through…the experiences, the pain, the heartache would create eyes that see the shadows of those drowning and crying out for help. I was oblivious that this big heart that expands when it is broken was not meant to break me but to be a vessel to hold so many close to it.

It was intentional that I was blessed with these gifts. I was meant to feel other’s emotions. I was meant to love. I was meant to give. I was meant to be a warrior.

I probably sound pretty confident. Strong. Assured in myself. However, that does not come easy. I am just another face in the crowd of people facing their inner storms. I battle with insecurities, self doubt, low self esteem, overthinking, sensitivity and a host of other attacks from the enemy. Even the greatest warriors storm through these bullets and blades. The strength comes in the awareness of these attacks and beating them down into dust. We all have a warrior inside that has a part to play in winning the war.

There is great power in the story of Spartacus. Many would say he was a warrior. He ran into battle with fiery fury and strength. However, Spartacus was also a man. A human. One. It takes willingness to be bold. It takes love to be able to stand for many. It takes hope to speak out for a greater future. In the story, these former slaves are told that if they do not identify Spartacus, they would be killed. They had a choice..to cave to their own self preservation, or to find the courage to stand as warriors by his side. As Spartacus prepared to sacrifice himself for the people, there came a great movement. One by one, they declared “I am Spartacus” The one became an army..a wall of heroism and bravery.

It was intentional that I be here. It all began with a great love..that opened my eyes to a people so deserving of all the fire, fight and heart I had bursting from deep in my soul. My eyes saw the pain and harsh realities yet they filled my heart with joy and love. I can’t think of any stronger connection.

My dream is to stand with them in this fight for a better tomorrow. To build a wall of support for the many and I will be the one. Just as I fought to find myself…as I fought for strength…as I fought to speak out..as I fought to be bold…as I fought for love..

I am the movement. I am here.

I am Spartacus.


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