I am going to take a moment to talk about a huge moment of my journey. While there is much more to the story…I will tell you what happened when I received His call. You never know what plan God has for you. You never know when the call will come. You have no idea how it will change the trajectory of your life and your entire world. In my case, it changed everything. Allow me to share with you how one call changed my life forever.

A day unlike yesterday but not like tomorrow. I was going about the usual daily grind and going through the motions. The ins and outs of predictability led me somewhere very unexpected. I encountered the one person who would open my eyes to a different place and time. This gravitational pull landed me in a different continent. A foreign place to me that quickly became a second home.

I saw myself in the people I met. Their smiles through the struggles. The drive to be more and to achieve greatness beyond their present circumstances. To live above their worries and fears. Personally, I count myself as a woman of strength. However, even as strong as I am..I still needed that. God wove me on a path that landed me right in the middle of a group of similar minds in Nigeria, West Africa.

I was blessed to watch a live video interview hosted by a friend that surprised me with something I never saw coming. As I watched, I heard the inspiration and care shared with this community of young people. They were yearning for a future to believe in. One that they can create for themselves and their families.

We live in a world where there are many
stereotypes and personal prejudices that
hinder a lot of people from seeing beyond
their socia-cultural bias. It distances them from seeing the greatness that is locked up inside of people begging to break free. It pained me that any of them might feel overlooked. I saw the excitement and fire burning no matter how hard life was trying to blow out their flames.

My heart ached to help so I reached out. Before I could even close that chat window, the call came. My phone didn’t ring. There was no notification to announce what I was about to receive. I was struck with a blazing fire that burned as if I had just been marked with a branding iron. God spoke to me. All that I had seen, the hurt in my heart for these people I have never met, and the comfort I felt in their presence..it was more than I could contain.

I immediately saw a plan…a vision…a future. To find a way to make their tomorrow even brighter. To build a network that would assist them in their pursuits. Giving them support and motivation to reach the heights of their dreams. The vision began to grow. Mentors becoming leaders that support the next generation of mentors. Each level having its own support and growth and building each other up to success. The process would provide jobs, support and connections from all over the world and creating a self sufficient community of powerful self starters.

This vision is ambitious and woven with anticipation. There is room to network people from all over and build a generation that drives the next. I am just one person, but I am honored to take the leap and say “God, send me!” I may not be able to do it alone, but I will make the first step.

The details are endless and the miracles appear daily. I sit and marvel at where I am and what I want to do for the people there. (Nigeria, West Africa)

I found so much In a place that I have never been to physically.

Love, passion, peace, friends, community, heart, joy, compassion, kindness, laughter, and now family..I found them all in Naija.

I will find a way, somehow, to repay Her ☺️


2 thoughts on “The Call

  1. Wow oh wow.

    I could feel the sincerity and the dexterity of your call in every word I read Marissa, I hope we are all able to achieve this call through the help of God and our little inputs towards this course. I have dried my tears after reading this and I am hopeful for a brighter future.

    1. We are blessed and chosen. The enemy tells us lies about our reality and our future. All will come together for good even if it’s slow. One step is more than none and two people are greater than one. We will face the enemy as David did. Have faith and bring the giant to its knees. All we need is time and a solid rock 🪨

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