So you’ve decided to jump! Welcome to the brainstorming phase! Depending on the person, this phase could be swift or could drag on for some time. Patience is imperative! When I speak of patience, I mean with yourself. Brainstorming is a process and the goal is personal. You just went through quite an emotional season as it is! This phase is about foundation. As I said before, you have to believe in what you’re selling.

What do you love?

The saying goes, “choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life”.

Well, this is pretty accurate. However, it does not mean it won’t have struggle and many challenges. The important thing to take away from this: If you love what you do, you will love all of it. This includes the imperfections and hard times as well as the joy you get from it. Some compare their business to their child. I can see the beauty in that but I tend to view it more like a marriage. You are binding yourself in commitment, vowing to love the ups and downs because it is what you always dreamed of. It is a reflection of you and you support each other every step of the way. It will be the best decision of your life if you take care to treat it as such.

Brainstorming is not rocket science. All it takes is pen to paper. It is rare that someone only has one idea scribbled on that page. In fact, entrepreneurs tend to be dreamers. They usually have so many listed that this causes them to get stuck! I know this because I am one! Don’t worry over it, this is completely normal! Just take it one step at a time.

Take an adventure through your hopes and dreams. Pour yourself onto the pages. Find what brings you joy. Look from every angle. Be sure to remember that dreams are only aspirations and you may have to go through some trial and error before you reach your true purpose.

You never know what lies inside of you. Hidden talents can burst forth, a spark ignites and destiny can surprise you. Sometimes the perfect match may not always be what you expected until you find it.

That’s when you know, it’s the one.


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