I wanted to share the next step of what is experienced when you take a leap of faith. The hunger. People experience this in many ways. Some may find their hunger is for success and for some it may be money. Others may find their hunger in passion or even in fulfillment. For those who know God and receive his divine instruction, well, that hunger is the most powerful of all. It is an adrenaline rush. A burning blaze of fire. You see purpose even though you may not know the outcome. That is incredibly scary. However, it is also freeing.

I would compare it to a a zip line. You reach the top of a high place and see the world below. You know the process. You wear your safety harness and make sure you are prepared. Deep down, you assess the risks. What happens if I fall, what if I can’t do it, I’ve come so far up that the fall would kill me. As you pass through those thoughts, you tell yourself that someone just went before you and made it. Many have in fact. So you jump off. Knowing now that it is possible that you will not only make it, but that the view will be amazing. You trust that what you can’t see will be revealed once you just step off that comfy platform. The wind hits your face, you feel weightless, and all you see is the miracles around you from a different perspective. You appreciate your surroundings at a different level than before. It excites you and you can’t believe you ever doubted. Once you find your checkpoint, you just want to do it again. Feel it again. This time you look for what you may have missed. You are no longer looking at the process or the risk. You only feel the rush of how it is driving you forward into the unknown because you know you will get where you are intended to go.

Always have faith in yourself.

Most importantly, have faith in God. He will give you a never ending fire if you let Him guide you to your destiny. You are more than the moment on the platform with your feet planted. Let go, let God, and fly!


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